Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just a reminder...

AdamSephieLJ.jpgSubmit your entries for our 'I Want To Be A Kalendronite Kontest'! We'll be taking entries until May 30th at 11:59PM!

Also, a small request. I'm participating in a contest in class (like I said, yeah, a class on Podcasting. Awesome, ne?) to see who can get the most downloads over the period of the class. So please, download out Podcast! If I win, I will be sure to reward you all with a post of, well, a bonus. >.> ;D

And finally, check out my buddy John's podcast! You can find it at! It's pretty good!

Edit: My bad! Dyslexic typoists have more fnu!


Sevidra DeShae said...



"The blog you were looking for was not found."

GIVE ME A GOOD LINK, darnit! You posted somethin' funny elsewhere, I had to DIG to find you.


But yeah, I'll dl your podcast... during my move ... while I take care of the baby and pack and make lunch all at once.... *hunts for podcast* ... maybe I should find my brain first. Where did I put my glasses?


Fellwinged Gaming Industries said...

My bad! Link fixed. :D